Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday, It's Raining.

For some reason summer rain does not get me down, the way it does any other time of the year. I guess it's because summer rain usually a pretty heavy downpour for a short amount of time, so it feels very exhilarating and cleansing. I recently saw this post on fitsugar that gives tips for hiking in the rain. I never thought about doing that, but it seems like a fantastic life experience! I definitely added it to my bucket list. It has inspired me to do a little cleansing in my own life, lately.

I'm upping the exercise as I've grown a little belly (not a baby, just a belly) in the past two months. I've been using the "Crunch" workout series. (Available on Netflix watch instantly!) So far, I've done the "Super Slim Down", a yoga Pilates mix; and the "Candlelight Yoga", hosted by my favorite Yogi: Sarah Ivanhoe! Today I'm also changing my diet to include more veggies and less cheese (and less McDonalds.... and less New England ice cream...)

I started baking my own bread again. (This week's recipe is Harvest Grain.) It think it upset me more than I care to admit, that I didn't get the job at a a bakery in my neighborhood. I stopped cooking with passion and fell back on simple recipes that were not very healthy. I haven't written on my cooking blog in ages. I have been reading David Lebowitz's blog though. He is so inspiring! I really hope this is a temporary feeling, but I think the best way out of my little rut is to start blogging regularly again. It keeps me on the look out for inspiring things in my life, and serves as a record of all the inspiration in my life to keep me going on the slower days. I don't advocate living to blog, or blogging to live, in the long run; but for now I think this is what I need.

Also, this:

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