Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Mary Richards for my generation

     I am about three weeks away from wrapping up an organizational behavior class and this week's reading featured an example of ways a person in a leadership position might react when they are new to a less than welcoming organization. The format of the chapters in this book are to set up the scene and then offer a process for achieving desirable results. I usually like to consider my gut reaction to the scene before reading further.  For this one, I immediately knew how I would react. I would say in my most pleasant and cheerful voice,  "If you'll please [do what I say here], so I can just [describe how I'm going to decimate you here]. Thank you so much!"

     I never thought I would have or need any other role models as a feminist other than my mom. But I realized, the person I am imitating when I need to be tough, is Brenda Lee Johnson, Kyra Sedgwick's character on The Closer. At first I was a little embarrassed to have a fictional TV character as a professional role model. Yet, the more I thought about it, the more clearly I saw why I looked up to her so much.  She has unflinching personal integrity.  She even has the decency to manipulate people to their faces. They're on to her game, yet somehow, it is impossible to call her bluff or to evade her tactics. They even know she's intentionally letting them see the manipulation happening. There are no tricks. There is no mistaking Brenda Lee for anything but aggressive when she's interrogating a criminal. She twist every word like a knife. She knows it. The criminal knows it. And she's so good, they can't even cry foul when it's all over, because she hasn't missed a single please or  thank you, and she was perfectly clear with her intentions. It was always their choice to make a confession. (Note the lack of "whether or not" in that choice.)

      Although she works in a hostile environment that has traditionally been seen by others as "a man's world", Brenda knows better. She is an effective, respected leader in her world. She is nobody but herself as she gets the job done; not "one of the boys", not a "damsel in distress". She is decent and polite, but never submissive.   She is a lady and doesn't give an inch. Not ever. Especially not on that.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cool Running

       I started running! I've been running for three weeks on the "Couch to 5K" training plan, with my Lover as my coach. He's wanted to run together for so long, since it has been an important part of building his confidence and making him feel good. He wanted that for me, and to share a hobby with me as well. Although it makes me so very happy  that this makes Brad happy, I am not doing it just for him. Brad started running to get healthy and to lose weight. That, along with diet changes helped him to lose 90 lbs in three years! I, on the other hand, do not feel as though I need to lose weight and I could not use that as a source of motivation.

      Actually, this is less about how other people view me, and more about taking care of myself. I finally had a motivation to start running on my own after realizing I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder.  Exercise and getting out in the sun can minimize SAD symptoms. I also started running because I realized won't be a hot, young thang forever! I gotta use it or lose it when it comes to bone density and muscle mass!  I think people would find it shocking that I am immensely proud of the fact that I ran for two- 3-minute increments (in addition to some shorter increments), without being totally winded. I could not do that a week ago. It's a little embarrassing to admit how out of shape I am, but I'm glad I'm doing something about it now.  I am a prime example that "small" does not always mean healthy! I love to think about how strong my heart is getting and the gunk I am cleaning from my cardiovascular system.

     Friends, please love your body by loving life! Screw the scale! Leave behind the clothing labels!  Ditch the fake food! Chase nutrients and satisfy cravings for adventure! There will be no before and after photos, because "the revolution will not be televised."