Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My first year of school is finished, and I'm pretty happy with the results. I think this blog is going to be seasonal, since I didn't really have that much spare time during the school year to even do anything worth blogging about. Summer has begun I guess, since Brad and I had our first scoop from J.P. Licks of the season tonight Anyway, here are some bits for catching up.

  1. It has been insanely rainy/cloudy here this spring. Inspired by Vintage Blog's post on Teddy Girls I wore this yesterday:
2. Jay-Z's blog is amazing.

3. I have been alternating between wanting to get married and wanting to have a baby on a daily basis for the past two weeks. Today is a baby day. This is probably because I haven't had school to distract me for about two weeks.

4. I've been on a smoothie kick for about two weeks. Favorite flavor so far is just frozen mango bits with plain yogurt and a dash of milk to thin it out. I've also been wanting to make Strawberry-Rhubarb pie, lemon curd, jam and hummus.

That's it really. This is a weak post, but this summer seems promising, so hopefully there will be more in the future! :o)