Saturday, June 30, 2012

Well, you see. What happened was...

Every week, I go to the farmer's market, and I say to myself,  "I'm going to buy these berries/cherries/whatever-gorgeous-seasonal-fruit and I'm going to bake something awesome with them."

Then I get home and I eat the lot in one sitting...

And that's why we're not having strawberry shortcake today. Because I ate a pound of strawberries in two days. Oh, Lord. 

But hey! Maybe it's because the fruit is not meant to be fussed with! Maybe, it's wonderful just the way it is, and it would be a crime to defile it with all that butter, sugar and heat! For crying out loud, it's Summer! It's too hot to bake! Maybe all these recipes were meant for times when you couldn't just enjoy them straight from the plant. 

Yes, I ate a pound of strawberries...and it was Summer. It was wonderful.

This lovely photo is from Warwikshire Living Magaizine, in a pleasant article titled "Strawberry Summer".