Saturday, June 20, 2009

What I should be...and am not...doing

I should be: packing my things to move, doing the dishes, posting the video I made for my dad for Father's Day on YouTube, running the air conditioner, salvaging the couch in our parking lot for craigslist sale, making move in arrangements with the owner of our "summer cottage", praying, reading an article to present tomorrow, updating my etsy, being well behaved, having manicured toes, using my retainer, preparing to move back home to go back to school, and wearing sunscreen.

I'm just too tired. It was such a long, productive day. I was at market all day today, and then I came home and picked some wild raspberries from my secret spot! Unfortunately the cherries are all ruined from too much rain...but it's cool.

And now for something completely different.

I made a video for my dad, to wish him a happy father's day. I sound like an idiot, and I noticed I'm doing this weird thing with my mouth when I talk...gross. I think I might be the most annoying person on the plannet in that video. Oh well, too late to change it now. I hope he gets the heartfelt message!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Add a little caramel in the mix!

I may not have rosy cheeks, creamy thighs or a petite nose...but damn it...I got it goin' on! I'm so surprised and glad to see this isn't a recent discovery. Leave it to a woman to include all of us in her definition of beauty.
Joyce Ballantyne. Year unknown. (1940s??)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

For Ashley

I think we should see this when it comes out. It will be research for your book, of course.

Also, this.
I'm looking forward to our first day in the kitchen tomorrow!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Orange Lilies

These are all about town: in people's yards, in public landscaping, on the side of the road...just everywhere. Oddly enough, the best bunch of orange lilies I've found around here, is behind a sports bar.
Please enjoy.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

No shrinking violet

Over at A New Simple Something

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

How fitting since my wall paper on my laptop is a field of daffodils!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Sacred Lullaby

I have seen the first 20 minutes of Monty Python's The Meaning of Life several times. However, for reasons unknown, I fall asleep promptly after the "Every Sperm is Sacred" scene EVERY TIME! I don't know what it is about that song. It knocks me out like a heavyweight.

It's not like I don't enjoy the movie up to that part. I think the song is brilliant! I love the old pirate accountants! I laugh out loud at least once every three minutes. But we watched it this week, and yet again I didn't make it. I think next time we are just going to start the movie at the part right after that song.

Well, time for bed...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wild cherries!

As thrilled as I was over the cherry blossoms in March and April, I am ten times more thrilled over the summer bounty they are delivering! The cherry trees on the trail my lover and I like to run/bike on and one behind our apartment building are just full of sweet wild cherries! I can't wait for them to be ripe! Cherry clafouti anyone?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Food! Glorious food!

Here are some photos from the promised.

Memorial Day: Barbecue in the oven, bacon and sour cream mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese with broccoli.

Brad's lovely pancakes, which are not quite as good as my dad's (but really, whose are?) but are still absolutely divine. These ones are plain, but pancakes at our breakfast table frequently include fresh blue berries and banana slices.

Brad's home made pizza (he even made the crust!), topped with fresh tomato slices and on his half, onions too. I made the salad. By made, I mean took out of the bag and put into the bowl. :0)

We try to eat at the table together as often as possible. I think it's an important habit to get into. It really is a nice time for us to spend together. You'd be surprised how big a two bedroom apartment can feel some days.