Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Ballad of the Apple Pancakes

This morning, I got it into my head to have these pancakes from the Williams-Sonoma website to celebrate the arrival of crisp, Fall weather:

Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to actually follow a recipe with more than 4 ingredients before I have eaten breakfast, so I decided the best course of action was to make my normal pancake batter, add some grated apple, and slice another one by hand to get that awesome visual effect in the photo. I didn't want the spices because, quite frankly, I get a little bored with the old cinnamon/apple combo. I like the flavor of apples cooked all on their own. It's such a clean, sweet flavor!

Anyway, the pancakes were not so great. They were too dense and heavy to cook through before burning on the outside. And the thinly sliced apples? Not happening. I didn't want to put the wet batter in my trash can to fester, so I dumped what remained after several failed pancakes, into a 10 inch frying pan to cook. Of course, that made a pancake large enough to cook slowly and  it was large enough to need the density of the batter to hold together. It was perfect, and huge. So, I pulled my self up by the boot straps and fried up the remaining sliced apple. I ended up with this: 

It was delicious! It was apple-y! It was a monument to serendipity! It was a great way to start my day. I know nobody reads this thing, but if you happen across my little corner of the internet, please fell welcome to share a tale of an epic culinary comeback!