Monday, May 27, 2013

Summer Picnic Club

Brad and I are two for two weekends in a row that included picnics. We are hoping to go on as many picnics as possible as long as the weather holds out. Brad said that he was so surprised at how good it has been to just sit in the grass. I think our apartment is pretty quiet for being in one of the busier neighborhoods in the city, but I still feel like the constant buzz our urban life is more draining than we realize. Even only two weeks in, our picnic ritual feels like a meditation of sorts.

 Last week we were so lazy that we didn't even pack a picnic. Instead, we stopped at BoLoCo on Park Street and took our burritos and NUTELLA MILKSHAKE(!!) to the Boston Public Garden. We spread out our blanket in a nice sunny patch to watch the Swan Boats go by, and we even saw a wedding! Tres exciting!

This week we were a little more prepared (and we had the time to put something together, as it is a three day weekend for  Memorial Day). We went to a park closer to our apartment that turned out to be a nice quiet oasis. I think it added to the relaxing vibe that the meal required very little preparation, and even less equipment to tote to the park. We just reveled in the simplicity of it all.

Feel free to share some of your favorite picnic menus in the comments, or let me know what you think of this one!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

My favorite part of The Hobbit Is...

Like all good nerds, Brad and I went to see The Hobbit when it came out in the theater last year. And yes, it was all the things everyone said it was (visually stunning, faithful to the books, entirely too long, etc.). But I think my very favorite part of the movie was the most innocuous moment, and probably not shared as a favorite by most people.

I just love the 20 second part towards the beginning when Frodo visits his uncle, and he takes an apple from a basket right at the front door, presumably meant to welcome, or to see off  visitors (obviously, of the most respectable type only).  Having a basket of fruit at the front door is just about the most charming, hospitable thing I can imagine! In addition to apples, I think bananas, oranges, plums, or nectarines that would normally be stored on the counter-top would be quite at home at the front door to encourage anyone using the entryway to take one for the road, thus avoiding the temptation to pick up one of those overly-sugared, half-hearted pastries at  a Starbucks. See? The benefits are endless!

Have you ever been inspired to take a part of a story or a movie and incorporate it into your real life? How so?