Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sorry, my dog ate my brain...

I have not been blogging as much as I would like lately. This is because my classes are far more demanding this semester than they were last semester. I've been logging the hours I put in (including class time) and it comes out to about 48 hours a week. Pretty intense. So while I'm slowing down on the entries, I'm not gone. Just more busy with things that aren't worth blogging about (like non-profit accounting homework). I think what's going to suffer the most is my other blog since I've definitely upped the amount of frozen food around here. :o/ You don't realize it when you're a kid, but this opening sequence is totally accurate.


  1. Yay Rocko!

    The Caribou Coffee shop down the road likes to post trivia questions on their blackboard behind the counter. The other day the questions was something along the lines of "What 90s cartoon featured a wallaby who was best friends with a cow" or something of that nature. I was jumping up and down haha.

    Needless to say, I got a discount :)

    Don't get too caught up in the busy life. Find time to relax and unwind. :)

  2. Yay for discounts!! Don't worry, I totally took advantage of the rainy weather today. :o)Also, you should go back to Caribou Coffee and demand another discount because Hef is not a cow, he's a steer!
