Sunday, October 24, 2010

Our Place

Yesterday was one of extremely good fortune! It started out appearing to be the opposite, because my lover wanted to go for a run, but he couldn't find his gloves. He looked in a box under the bed, and didn't find his gloves, but an envelope with a substantial amount of money inside! He eventually found his gloves and went on his run. He bought himself some winter boots, and he still had some money left over, so we went on an adventure to a part of town we haven't seen yet.

We were really missing the last town we lived in, and were feeling like Boston was just too posh for us! We had heard that Jamaica Plain had a lot of parallels to the last place, so we went there with the hope of remedying our homesickness. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! It was every bit as laid back as the place we left, ten times more adorable, and I swear the place we found for dinner was made purely for our delight and only our delight. That's how perfect it was.

The Haven is a Scottish bar and decide which description to put first, because they do both equally well. (I just put them in alphabetical order.) The food is a foodie's dream. The most beautiful Haggis and Neeps, Fish Supper (fish and chips with a side of mint,pea mash), house ground apple sage sausage, with mashed sweet potatoes, and braised kale, all washed down with some beautiful Scottish beer that Brad ordered.(I can't remember what it was called.) It had these sweet and dark toffee notes at the end that made my eyes roll into the back of my head. AND everyone there was soooo nice! The staff, the owner, the other diners, everyone! Brad would also like to make note of how great it smells in there,like antique wood. Yes. This is our place to go on dates, to bring friends, whatever!

We walked around the neighborhood a bit, and found a Cuban restaurant which is begging for a visit as well! We stumbled into an Irish pub, complete with traditional a Celtic band sitting around one of the tables, and playing sporadically between sips of their pints and their own lively conversation. It was pretty cool, they had a really great variety of beers (but were out of the Wheihenstephan, boo!) So Brad and I had our pints and a celebratory shot of Jameson, and were on our way home. The whiskey warmed us so much we decided to walk the nearly three miles home!

Of course we were sucked into our favorite bookshop along the way, and I found a copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray, in the used books basement! I was particularly excited because they don't have this book at the Boston Public Library. Finally (yes, there is more!) on our way home we ran into one of my friends from Health Law, and we had a chat about going to Jamaica Plain and how great it is there. She too, loves The Haven, and informed us that Belle & Sebastian love it too!!! *squeal!!!!* I die! So naturally we are going there next week after class and we're inviting all of our friends! Yes, the fun will continue! :o)

AND they finally turned the heat on in our building! WIN WIN WIN!!!

I apologize, this post is very poorly written, but I am so excited about last night, the memories just exploded out of my fingers!

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