Friday, August 7, 2009

Imagine the grass stains!

I have admitted before, and I'll admit again, that I spend entirely too much time pouring over wedding blogs. I love it when I'm on a non-wedding related website and I see absolutely ridiculous weddings. For instance, this one about a Chinese bride who set a world record for the longest veil/train at 2 km. I would never do this in a million years, since it would be a guarantee that I will spend my entire marriage as a quadriplegic. But you know, the more I look into these weddings, the more these sorts of things make me happy. I am so not into the whole 300 people at a fancy hotel, with the fluffy strapless gown, and the fondant cake and the signature cocktails with Tiffany blue and chocolate brown as my colors. I like reading about weddings where people do stuff because they like it. It usually turns out to be the most precious thing I've ever heard of...and some times the tackiest, but you know what? It's always from the heart. Isn't that what weddings are all about? On that note, I am pleased to announce that my signature cocktail will be bottles of Red Stripe straight from a bucket of ice. Bottle openers will be provided.

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