Saturday, June 20, 2009

What I should be...and am not...doing

I should be: packing my things to move, doing the dishes, posting the video I made for my dad for Father's Day on YouTube, running the air conditioner, salvaging the couch in our parking lot for craigslist sale, making move in arrangements with the owner of our "summer cottage", praying, reading an article to present tomorrow, updating my etsy, being well behaved, having manicured toes, using my retainer, preparing to move back home to go back to school, and wearing sunscreen.

I'm just too tired. It was such a long, productive day. I was at market all day today, and then I came home and picked some wild raspberries from my secret spot! Unfortunately the cherries are all ruined from too much rain...but it's cool.

And now for something completely different.

I made a video for my dad, to wish him a happy father's day. I sound like an idiot, and I noticed I'm doing this weird thing with my mouth when I talk...gross. I think I might be the most annoying person on the plannet in that video. Oh well, too late to change it now. I hope he gets the heartfelt message!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, are lives are sooooo parallel, it's not even FUNNY.


    I can't wait for you to come home though. You should come live with me and Liz in a cute little apartment on Fletcher called Carlton Arms North.

    Just sayin'.
