Saturday, November 21, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Halloween II
Halloween was great this year and warranted two posts. I am finally posting part two of the Halloween party. First, here is the bestiality...and I warn you it is pretty graphic. Rated NC-17 for full frontal male animal nudity. ***THIS IS NOT A JOKE, IT'S REALLY GRAPHIC!!!*** One of my roommates was an anatomically correct horse, complete with functioning parts. So to speak. It's vulgar yet genius. It took a lot of effort, research and planning to create something like that! I salute you, Sir.
Also, this:
Also, this:
Black and Gold
by Nancy Byrd Turner
Everything is black and gold
Black and gold, to-night:
Yellow pumpkins, yellow moon
Yellow candle light;
Jet black cats with golden eyes
Shadows black as ink
Firelight blinking in the dark
With a yellow blink
Black and gold, black and gold
Nothing in between-
When the world turns black and gold
Then it's Halloween!
by Nancy Byrd Turner
Everything is black and gold
Black and gold, to-night:
Yellow pumpkins, yellow moon
Yellow candle light;
Jet black cats with golden eyes
Shadows black as ink
Firelight blinking in the dark
With a yellow blink
Black and gold, black and gold
Nothing in between-
When the world turns black and gold
Then it's Halloween!
My friend Peg recited this for me at the Farmers' Market on Halloween, and I simply adored it! She sent me an mp3 of her reciting the poem, but I can't figure out how to get it up here, which is frustrating. But, anyway. I love this poem and I love Halloween. Ramping up for Thanksgiving now. :o)
11:50 pm: I have 10 minutes left of being 22. Let me just say, it was a great year! I did a lot of growing, went on a lot of adventures, and did a lot of loving. Every year, the night before my birthday I say the last year was the best year of my life, but now I've had enough best years to be pretty confident that the next year is going to be even better. I'm not sure I can even imagine what something better than 22 is going to be like but I'm looking forward to it!
Okay, so I didn't do the dishes...BUT my room is clean! That has to count for something, right? And it won't be so bad to clean the kitchen when I'm fresh and rested.
Okay, so I didn't do the dishes...BUT my room is clean! That has to count for something, right? And it won't be so bad to clean the kitchen when I'm fresh and rested.
10:48 pm: My kitchen is a mess...but my laundry is done. :o) I'm really tired, and I am SO tempted to leave the mess until tomorrow...but tomorrow is my birthday, and I REALLY don't want to do dishes on my birthday. I would also feel terribly guilty pushing my mess onto someone else. *sighs* Okay...dishes...lovely post...bed. :o)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What's that smell?
I was reading the Glamour Magazine blog (oh, God.) and one of the entries was asking readers what weird smells they like. The author of the entry said she liked the smell of gasoline and the way her hands smell after cooking with garlic. I thought it was a pretty original and intriguing question, so here is my answer:
I like the smell of puppy breath, Fuji (which is very different from the smell of other dogs.), tire shops, Camel cigarettes, Simple Green all purpose cleaner, babies, Saturday morning (it smells like freshness, coffee and a hint of bacon), library books, old houses ( they smell like trees and rain, even when it doesn't rain), buttermilk, hair salons, and pickled vegetables of all sorts.
I like the smell of puppy breath, Fuji (which is very different from the smell of other dogs.), tire shops, Camel cigarettes, Simple Green all purpose cleaner, babies, Saturday morning (it smells like freshness, coffee and a hint of bacon), library books, old houses ( they smell like trees and rain, even when it doesn't rain), buttermilk, hair salons, and pickled vegetables of all sorts.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Ty's Big Brother Beats
Ty is two years old, and next month he'll be a big brother! Here is the play list of a CD I made for him.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - Ben Harper Isn't it fun to imagine and pretend?
Upside Down- Jack Johnson- You like Curious George, right? I do too.
My Boys-Taken by Trees This song is about the important stuff. It's important to teach the baby about these things too, okay?
Candy in the Sun- Swirl 360 On your mark, get set, DANCE!
Golden Phone-Micachu and the Shapes The first time I heard this song it reminded me of you.
Super Rad- The Aquabats It's a song about superheroes and aliens. Cool, huh?
Let's Go Surfing- The Drums I think if you could write a song right now it would sound like this.
Mushaboom-Feist Isn't this a silly word?
It's Oh So Quiet- Bjork It's always a good idea to strike a good balance between quiet and loud.
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Anthology Version)- The Beatles One of my favorites.
We're Going to Be Friends- Jack Johnson The most important thing to remember is that the new baby is going to be your very best friend.
Ty's Big Brother Beats
Rumpus- Karen O and the Kids It's your job to teach your little brother or sister how to make the highest quality rumpus.Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - Ben Harper Isn't it fun to imagine and pretend?
Upside Down- Jack Johnson- You like Curious George, right? I do too.
My Boys-Taken by Trees This song is about the important stuff. It's important to teach the baby about these things too, okay?
Candy in the Sun- Swirl 360 On your mark, get set, DANCE!
Golden Phone-Micachu and the Shapes The first time I heard this song it reminded me of you.
Super Rad- The Aquabats It's a song about superheroes and aliens. Cool, huh?
Let's Go Surfing- The Drums I think if you could write a song right now it would sound like this.
Mushaboom-Feist Isn't this a silly word?
It's Oh So Quiet- Bjork It's always a good idea to strike a good balance between quiet and loud.
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Anthology Version)- The Beatles One of my favorites.
We're Going to Be Friends- Jack Johnson The most important thing to remember is that the new baby is going to be your very best friend.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Let's begin with a moment of confession: I am a terrible nerd.
I realize I possess many nerdy qualities, but there are many important parts of nerd culture I am only just discovering/ at which I am totally inept. Video games give me motion sickness, I never use messaging short hand (like, LOL), I have yet to read Hitch Hiker's Guide, and I've never played a role playing game. Now, enter Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. I made a new friend this weekend at a philosophy conference, and he introduced me to it. (I feel slightly better knowing this is pretty new to him too, and that a few of my other nerdy friends don't know about Dr. Horrible either.) My fiance informed me that this is not only old news, but it is a pillar of nerd culture! At any rate, I am in the process of becoming familiar with this little bit of wonderful, and I am in love with it. How could I not be? It stars NPH! (LOVELOVELOVE) I don't want to give too much away and words fail me right now, so here is the first clip:
I realize I possess many nerdy qualities, but there are many important parts of nerd culture I am only just discovering/ at which I am totally inept. Video games give me motion sickness, I never use messaging short hand (like, LOL), I have yet to read Hitch Hiker's Guide, and I've never played a role playing game. Now, enter Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. I made a new friend this weekend at a philosophy conference, and he introduced me to it. (I feel slightly better knowing this is pretty new to him too, and that a few of my other nerdy friends don't know about Dr. Horrible either.) My fiance informed me that this is not only old news, but it is a pillar of nerd culture! At any rate, I am in the process of becoming familiar with this little bit of wonderful, and I am in love with it. How could I not be? It stars NPH! (LOVELOVELOVE) I don't want to give too much away and words fail me right now, so here is the first clip:
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A short game
I saw this game on Oh, Mishka, who saw it on another blog. So here we go!
Reading... Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
Keeping...Seeds from my Jack-O-Lantern. I'm going to make Pumpkin Brittle and sell it at my farmer's market.
Baking... At this very moment...a pumpkin so I can have puree for pumpkin pie. I am a I bake all the time. :o)
Watching... Sea Quest on the Netflix. It's amazing in the same way velveeta and shells is amazing. It's not quite crap like the mac 'n cheese with the powder, but it's still simultaneously wonderful, cheesy and bad.
Trying... to get into graduate school in one piece.
Making... a scarf for my lover.
Congratulating... One cousin on becoming a new mother, another for finding her wedding dress today, and another for making it to his regional Pop Warner football championship!
Keeping...Seeds from my Jack-O-Lantern. I'm going to make Pumpkin Brittle and sell it at my farmer's market.
Baking... At this very moment...a pumpkin so I can have puree for pumpkin pie. I am a I bake all the time. :o)
Watching... Sea Quest on the Netflix. It's amazing in the same way velveeta and shells is amazing. It's not quite crap like the mac 'n cheese with the powder, but it's still simultaneously wonderful, cheesy and bad.
Trying... to get into graduate school in one piece.
Making... a scarf for my lover.
Congratulating... One cousin on becoming a new mother, another for finding her wedding dress today, and another for making it to his regional Pop Warner football championship!
Halloween post part II coming soon, I promise!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
This past weekend was so crazy, I'm only now recapitulating it! I carved my Jack-O-Lantern on Thursday night, and it turned out great.
Unfortunately, he did not last through All Hallows Eve, and was smashed in the street in front of our house, apple scented Glade candle and all :o( . Such are the pit-falls of living in "Bro-ver Valley" (Clover Valley).
The residents of Plebes hosted a Halloween Fete, and we had planned to have a costume contest. Everyone was having too much fun to organize a proper pageant and voting system, so it never really materialized. Also, most people decided that my lover's costume was pretty much uncontested.
It still cracks me up to see him in MY shorts! I dressed up, but not as elaborately. I was a dashboard hula girl, complete with pinup hair/makeup, and I made a hula skirt out of crepe paper. (Just like Molly!!!)

We had blood-red punch, pumpkin/devil's food cake, deviled eggs, toasted pumpkin seeds and many other snacks. I put out stuff to make s'mores next to our fireplace and our dear friend Mike built a roaring fire so everyone could have toasty marshmallow goodness!
Sunday was spent recovering from an entirely too wild night, and on Monday I received a phone call from my family that my cousin had her first child! Christian Alexander is in da hizzouse!!! He's the first baby in our family in 13 years! We are all so excited! I cannot wait to see him and meet him in a few weeks. I will post photos as soon as they are made available to me.
This coming weekend is equally booked up! There will be a philosophy conference, the final market of the season, and a baby shower for my boss.
Oh, yes, and I will be doing my graduate applications all the while.
Also, this:
There will be a Halloween Part II post. It's rated R for Bestiality. You have been warned.
The residents of Plebes hosted a Halloween Fete, and we had planned to have a costume contest. Everyone was having too much fun to organize a proper pageant and voting system, so it never really materialized. Also, most people decided that my lover's costume was pretty much uncontested.
We had blood-red punch, pumpkin/devil's food cake, deviled eggs, toasted pumpkin seeds and many other snacks. I put out stuff to make s'mores next to our fireplace and our dear friend Mike built a roaring fire so everyone could have toasty marshmallow goodness!
Sunday was spent recovering from an entirely too wild night, and on Monday I received a phone call from my family that my cousin had her first child! Christian Alexander is in da hizzouse!!! He's the first baby in our family in 13 years! We are all so excited! I cannot wait to see him and meet him in a few weeks. I will post photos as soon as they are made available to me.
This coming weekend is equally booked up! There will be a philosophy conference, the final market of the season, and a baby shower for my boss.
Oh, yes, and I will be doing my graduate applications all the while.
Also, this:
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Today, I am thankful for...
I took the GRE today. I like to call what I experienced at that desk a "mind rape". At any rate, I feel the need to list some things I am thankful for, since I have sort of been neglecting my life for the past three weeks, or so.
- My loving-devoted-supportive-practically-perfect-in-every-way fiance.
- My family and friends, who are also very loving and supportive.
- Tutorials on youtube. I learned to knit using nothing but youtube videos to guide me! I am going to take a stab at sewing next week!
- Two-hour walks on scenic trails.
- Cozy sweaters.
-Mansfield Park. (It is full of GRE vocabulary words.)
- Good times at The Cellar.
- Seasonal autumn sweets, like baked apples, pumpkin baked goods of any sort, and candy corn.
-Our fireplace.
p.s. You probably already know that in the Victorian Era there was a secret language associated with flowers. Well, one of the flowers meant to convey gratitude was the Canterbury Bell. Isn't it pretty?
- My loving-devoted-supportive-practically-perfect-in-every-way fiance.
- My family and friends, who are also very loving and supportive.
- Tutorials on youtube. I learned to knit using nothing but youtube videos to guide me! I am going to take a stab at sewing next week!
- Two-hour walks on scenic trails.
- Cozy sweaters.
-Mansfield Park. (It is full of GRE vocabulary words.)
- Good times at The Cellar.
- Seasonal autumn sweets, like baked apples, pumpkin baked goods of any sort, and candy corn.
-Our fireplace.
p.s. You probably already know that in the Victorian Era there was a secret language associated with flowers. Well, one of the flowers meant to convey gratitude was the Canterbury Bell. Isn't it pretty?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Heard in Plebes
We have nicknamed our house "Plebes" in honor of the neophyte philosophers that live here. Lately we've been sitting around the fireplace just drinking wine and listening to music.
Sometimes it's super sleek techno, like this:
Take Me into Your Skin- Trentmoller
Windowlicker-Aphex Twin (fair warning, the video is a bit weird/scary as hell.)
Sometimes it's guitar playing like you've never heard:
Drifting-Andy McKee
Rylynn- Andy McKee
Sometimes it's...silly:
Scatman- Scatman John
One Last Breath- Creed
But it's always mind-blowingly good. And that's the way I like it.
Sometimes it's super sleek techno, like this:
Take Me into Your Skin- Trentmoller
Windowlicker-Aphex Twin (fair warning, the video is a bit weird/scary as hell.)
Sometimes it's guitar playing like you've never heard:
Drifting-Andy McKee
Rylynn- Andy McKee
Sometimes it's...silly:
Scatman- Scatman John
One Last Breath- Creed
But it's always mind-blowingly good. And that's the way I like it.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Check out those sexy....socks?
I am the proud new owner of knit thigh highs. Not only are they very practical as a fall/winter stocking, but they function as long johns do under jeans, only better. No diaper butt syndrome! I was pleased to find another totally unexpected benefit of my purchase when I put them on though. I found that I feel like a hot mama while wearing them, because I know that underneath the jeans and sweatshirts, I look like this:

Sunday, October 11, 2009
When I saw the photos from the Hermes S/S 2010 collection, I squealed with delight at each outfit. The inspiration is tennis in the 1920s. How adorable is that?? Here are some of my favorites:

I NEVER thought I would be so in love with a jumpsuit, or a leather sun dress. (So help me God, a LEATHER SUN DRESS!) I can't believe I was even a little bummed because I couldn't find the perfect cozy flannel top for this winter. Who needs them when there are equally cozy, but twice as glamorous v-neck, drop waist cardigans to be had?
p.s.Photos of the entire perfect collection can be found at
I NEVER thought I would be so in love with a jumpsuit, or a leather sun dress. (So help me God, a LEATHER SUN DRESS!) I can't believe I was even a little bummed because I couldn't find the perfect cozy flannel top for this winter. Who needs them when there are equally cozy, but twice as glamorous v-neck, drop waist cardigans to be had?
p.s.Photos of the entire perfect collection can be found at
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The good, the bad, and the fear of ugly
There's good news there's bad news.
The good news is, my cake turned out beautifully and it sold really well. I made an apple-pear cake with a toffee drizzle (which hardened for a lovely croquembouche effect) and sprinkled with slivered almonds. It really was delicious, and lots of people commented on how original the cake was.
The bad news is, this morning, as I finished drizzling the cake with my homemade toffee...I accidentally splattered a bit of the molten candy on my face resulting in second degree burns. We had a guest in the living room and one room mate with the door open, so it was all I could do not to scream...but when I got to the bathroom up stairs I let the four letter words fly. I cried over the potentially drastic and permanent change in my appearance. After all, this was no scrape on the knee, easily hidden and forgotten. Luckily, my fiance used to be a Boyscout, and was able to patch me up quite nicely after a reaffirming check to the Mayo Clinic website on basic burn care. (Isn't the time we live in amazing? I have a small kitchen burn, and have a resource like the Mayo Clinic at my fingertips!) I had to postpone the Japanese Dumpling Feast I was going to host this evening since I also burned my fingers in an effort to pull the hot toffee off my face.
There is more good news. My special beau dressed my wounds himself, and did it so lovingly and gently that my heart has been aflutter all day long. He even did them again after I took my shower. I tried to do them myself, but I looked like a freak. When he does them the bandages are neat and minimal.

I can't give him complete kisses, since I have a small burn about the size of a pencil eraser on my lip...but I give him European air kisses. Tomorrow, when I've recovered a little, I'll make him some banana muffins like I used to when we lived in the apartment. I think he'll like that.
The good news is, my cake turned out beautifully and it sold really well. I made an apple-pear cake with a toffee drizzle (which hardened for a lovely croquembouche effect) and sprinkled with slivered almonds. It really was delicious, and lots of people commented on how original the cake was.
The bad news is, this morning, as I finished drizzling the cake with my homemade toffee...I accidentally splattered a bit of the molten candy on my face resulting in second degree burns. We had a guest in the living room and one room mate with the door open, so it was all I could do not to scream...but when I got to the bathroom up stairs I let the four letter words fly. I cried over the potentially drastic and permanent change in my appearance. After all, this was no scrape on the knee, easily hidden and forgotten. Luckily, my fiance used to be a Boyscout, and was able to patch me up quite nicely after a reaffirming check to the Mayo Clinic website on basic burn care. (Isn't the time we live in amazing? I have a small kitchen burn, and have a resource like the Mayo Clinic at my fingertips!) I had to postpone the Japanese Dumpling Feast I was going to host this evening since I also burned my fingers in an effort to pull the hot toffee off my face.
There is more good news. My special beau dressed my wounds himself, and did it so lovingly and gently that my heart has been aflutter all day long. He even did them again after I took my shower. I tried to do them myself, but I looked like a freak. When he does them the bandages are neat and minimal.
I can't give him complete kisses, since I have a small burn about the size of a pencil eraser on my lip...but I give him European air kisses. Tomorrow, when I've recovered a little, I'll make him some banana muffins like I used to when we lived in the apartment. I think he'll like that.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Guilt Free
I really try not to have guilty pleasures. I either don't partake again, or I just stop feeling guilty. But if I absolutely HAD to make a list of 5 pleasures I at one time felt guilty for enjoying it would look like this:
My Guilty Pleasures
1. Cake for breakfast AND lunch.
2. Legally Blonde is one of my favorite movies.
3. Really expensive underwear.
4. "London Bridge" by Fergie.
5. Watching really bad children's movies that have become cult classics on youtube. (Like, the BBC's Chronicles of Narnia mini-series, and Disney's Return to Oz.) Bonus points for eating frosted pop-tarts during the viewing period.
2. Legally Blonde is one of my favorite movies.
3. Really expensive underwear.
4. "London Bridge" by Fergie.
5. Watching really bad children's movies that have become cult classics on youtube. (Like, the BBC's Chronicles of Narnia mini-series, and Disney's Return to Oz.) Bonus points for eating frosted pop-tarts during the viewing period.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
My Celebrity Playlist
I like to do this from time to time, when I realize I'm listening to the same 10-15 songs over and over again.
Cherry Blossom Girl- Air: Requisite for candle lit bubble baths. This song makes me want to wear something a French Ballerina would wear on her way to rehearsal.
Heartbeats- The Knife: I first heard this song at a college spring recital. I went home to download it immediately. I had never heard anything like it before or since. Oh, and that cover which is getting all sorts of notice was a disappointment.
Superstar- Lupe Fiasco: I love this man. In my eyes, he can do no wrong. His music is smart, in every sense of the word. Love the samples, the lyrics, the message, all of it. This is a good one to listen to while getting ready to go out. It usually results in a perfectly polished look for me.
Good Times- Brazilian Girls: Instant party. Plus the lyrics make me laugh.
Golden Telephone- Micachu and the Shapes: As I've stated in previous posts...this is my jam.
Sea Legs- The Shins: This is one of those songs that I've listened to on repeat for an hour. It's a song about sex that is so...right, real, and romanticized that it's not even the least bit guilt inducing, even in this puritanical American culture.
DVNO- Justice: I can't help but shake my belt to this one. It's so good it makes something as terrible as doing the dishes feel like a dance party.
Hush Boy- Basement Jaxx: Among many exemplary traits, Neil Patrick Harris has perfect taste in music. I heard this on his celebrity playlist on iTunes . Hearing that playlist was what made me fall in love with him. There are so many things thwarting the possibility of a relationship, I don't even think the fact that he's gay even matters.
I'm Ready- Kano: My current favorite from my catalog of childhood music. It changes weekly. My parents are so cool.
Ghetto Musick- Big Boi (Outkast): A contemporary homage to the music of my childhood.
Cherry Blossom Girl- Air: Requisite for candle lit bubble baths. This song makes me want to wear something a French Ballerina would wear on her way to rehearsal.
Heartbeats- The Knife: I first heard this song at a college spring recital. I went home to download it immediately. I had never heard anything like it before or since. Oh, and that cover which is getting all sorts of notice was a disappointment.
Superstar- Lupe Fiasco: I love this man. In my eyes, he can do no wrong. His music is smart, in every sense of the word. Love the samples, the lyrics, the message, all of it. This is a good one to listen to while getting ready to go out. It usually results in a perfectly polished look for me.
Good Times- Brazilian Girls: Instant party. Plus the lyrics make me laugh.
Golden Telephone- Micachu and the Shapes: As I've stated in previous posts...this is my jam.
Sea Legs- The Shins: This is one of those songs that I've listened to on repeat for an hour. It's a song about sex that is so...right, real, and romanticized that it's not even the least bit guilt inducing, even in this puritanical American culture.
DVNO- Justice: I can't help but shake my belt to this one. It's so good it makes something as terrible as doing the dishes feel like a dance party.
Hush Boy- Basement Jaxx: Among many exemplary traits, Neil Patrick Harris has perfect taste in music. I heard this on his celebrity playlist on iTunes . Hearing that playlist was what made me fall in love with him. There are so many things thwarting the possibility of a relationship, I don't even think the fact that he's gay even matters.
I'm Ready- Kano: My current favorite from my catalog of childhood music. It changes weekly. My parents are so cool.
Ghetto Musick- Big Boi (Outkast): A contemporary homage to the music of my childhood.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Dear Journal,
I think my life has achieved a faster pace than I was prepared for, which is not a bad thing at all. Sometimes I think I'm having too much fun for my own good. Then I remember it is impossible to have too much fun. However, this new lifestyle has left for very little blogging or photography time. It's a shame because, those two things force me to keep on the lookout for the special moments in my daily life, which have been plentiful these days. Between all the fun I've been having at work, and my exceptionally entertaining roommates, there is an appreciable amount of things for me to blog about. I promise to do so.
P.S. Waking up in the middle of the night to your best friend offering to split a 1/2 pound cheeseburger ( see picture of a burger from this restaurant below) to be consumed in the comfort and privacy of your bedroom is pretty life altering. I highly recommend it.
P.S. Waking up in the middle of the night to your best friend offering to split a 1/2 pound cheeseburger ( see picture of a burger from this restaurant below) to be consumed in the comfort and privacy of your bedroom is pretty life altering. I highly recommend it.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I've been dreaming about new shoes. Here are some I've been coveting:

I'm not really into boots. I suppose it's partially due to living in places where they are unnecessary for most of my life. It also might have something to do with my freakishly tiny ankles, which create a weird wrinkly situation, rather than a sleek "I am woman hear me roar" look that most girls achieve with a great pair of boots. However, I do understand the importance of a good leather shoe with a good tread for winter. If they are adorable t-strap mary janes, even better. Double buckles you say? YES PLEASE.
So, my Keds did not fare so well this summer through the berry picking, and the random tidal waves of buttermilk due to turning on the mixer without any flour to thicken the liquid. These little French lovelies should make a nice replacement, non?

I'm not really into boots. I suppose it's partially due to living in places where they are unnecessary for most of my life. It also might have something to do with my freakishly tiny ankles, which create a weird wrinkly situation, rather than a sleek "I am woman hear me roar" look that most girls achieve with a great pair of boots. However, I do understand the importance of a good leather shoe with a good tread for winter. If they are adorable t-strap mary janes, even better. Double buckles you say? YES PLEASE.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Wedding Vows
hear the Wyclef spit it here:
"Take Me As I Am"
(feat. Sharissa)
I wanna send this one out to my vanilla ice-cream chocolate pudding pie
That stayed with me in the hood, do or die
Refugee camp
Yeah, this one goes out to my almond joy
My banana that never split
The one that stuck with me
Before I had the bling bling
I thought I'd hit up in Sing Sing
Who would have ever thought that we'd be doing our thing
I know I did a little cheating
But once I got caught
I send you a parcel of roses
You sent them back and told me go to hell
But girl you know that, you take me as I am
Even though my fam don't understand
Why I put that rock up on your hand
That's cos you take me as I am (take me as I am)
[Sharissa (Wyclef)]
You take me as I am (yeah, I'm a take you as you are)
Even when my girls can't understand
I choose you as my man
But you take me as I am, my, my man
[Wyclef (Sharrissa)]
You're my girl (my man)
You're my girl (my man)
You're my lady (my man)
You're my baby
When I was rocking jelly and had a little belly
Who woulda ever thought, you'd think I was sexy
I say it with an attitude, I admit I came off rude
But still you love me, I know I get on your nerves sometimes
And I don't know why you take me as I am
Even when my girls can't understand
I choose you as my man (my man, yeah)
Cause you take me as I am (take me as I am)
You take me as I am, girl I'm a take you as you are
Even though my fam don't understand (they can't understand no, no, no, no)
Why I put that rock up on your hand (girl)
That's cause you take me as I am
[Wyclef (Sharrissa)]
You're my girl (you're my man)
You're my girl (you're my man)
You're my lady (you're my baby)
You're my baby (my honey)
You're the ocean that breathes that I feel when I'm blowing my trees alone
You're the sun that shines when the darkness strikes at night
You're the love of my life, you're my girl, you're my wife
You're mine, and I'm yours, you take me as I am
Wait a minute
[Sharissa (Wyclef)]
Can't believe you take me as I am, am, am, no, oh
Even when they don't understand why you love me
I choose you as my man
Cause you take me as I am (take me as I am)
You take me as I am, girl I'm a take you as you are
Even though my fam don't understand
My people on the block, they don't understand, no, no
Why I put that rock up on your hand
Cause I take you as you are, you're a star
[Wyclef (Sharrissa)]
You're my girl (my man)
You're my girl (you're my man)
You're my lady (you're my baby)
You're my baby (my honey)
"Take Me As I Am"
(feat. Sharissa)
I wanna send this one out to my vanilla ice-cream chocolate pudding pie
That stayed with me in the hood, do or die
Refugee camp
Yeah, this one goes out to my almond joy
My banana that never split
The one that stuck with me
Before I had the bling bling
I thought I'd hit up in Sing Sing
Who would have ever thought that we'd be doing our thing
I know I did a little cheating
But once I got caught
I send you a parcel of roses
You sent them back and told me go to hell
But girl you know that, you take me as I am
Even though my fam don't understand
Why I put that rock up on your hand
That's cos you take me as I am (take me as I am)
[Sharissa (Wyclef)]
You take me as I am (yeah, I'm a take you as you are)
Even when my girls can't understand
I choose you as my man
But you take me as I am, my, my man
[Wyclef (Sharrissa)]
You're my girl (my man)
You're my girl (my man)
You're my lady (my man)
You're my baby
When I was rocking jelly and had a little belly
Who woulda ever thought, you'd think I was sexy
I say it with an attitude, I admit I came off rude
But still you love me, I know I get on your nerves sometimes
And I don't know why you take me as I am
Even when my girls can't understand
I choose you as my man (my man, yeah)
Cause you take me as I am (take me as I am)
You take me as I am, girl I'm a take you as you are
Even though my fam don't understand (they can't understand no, no, no, no)
Why I put that rock up on your hand (girl)
That's cause you take me as I am
[Wyclef (Sharrissa)]
You're my girl (you're my man)
You're my girl (you're my man)
You're my lady (you're my baby)
You're my baby (my honey)
You're the ocean that breathes that I feel when I'm blowing my trees alone
You're the sun that shines when the darkness strikes at night
You're the love of my life, you're my girl, you're my wife
You're mine, and I'm yours, you take me as I am
Wait a minute
[Sharissa (Wyclef)]
Can't believe you take me as I am, am, am, no, oh
Even when they don't understand why you love me
I choose you as my man
Cause you take me as I am (take me as I am)
You take me as I am, girl I'm a take you as you are
Even though my fam don't understand
My people on the block, they don't understand, no, no
Why I put that rock up on your hand
Cause I take you as you are, you're a star
[Wyclef (Sharrissa)]
You're my girl (my man)
You're my girl (you're my man)
You're my lady (you're my baby)
You're my baby (my honey)
Monday, August 31, 2009
...and presents for pretty girls.
This is my special beau and me in cartoon form. If I'm really being honest with myself...I'm a ridiculous and slightly obnoxious person, and it is a miracle that he loves me. I was trying to save this for Christmas, but I think this lack of patience only augments the truth of my statement.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
michupichu is my jam
I couldn't remember the name of this band, but I loved the song so when I wanted to request it from my roomate, I would ask for the "michupichu" song. So here it is in all it's glory.
P.S. This song is dedicated to Ty. I imagine you would have some pretty smooth dance moves for this song.
P.S. This song is dedicated to Ty. I imagine you would have some pretty smooth dance moves for this song.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wind Rock & Roll
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
To do today:
- Model my new sweater. (Only for photos, I'm not about to hurry summer away!)
- Have some friends over.
- Welcome a friend home.
- Picnic on a summit with my special beau.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Homemade Unmentionables
I have seen the light and I can now tell you that buying your panties from a boutique is a huge racket! I was reading An Apple a Day and she had a post with her laundry on a clothes line, she said her sister hand made all of her "unmentionables". I thought they were so cute, I decided to look up how to do this myself. I stumbled upon Threadbanger, and this little Valentine's Day video tutorial, complete with a link to a free pattern. ♥
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thanks to my recent exposure to the Mad Men fashion blog/behind the scenes videos, I have had a sudden urge to be more ladylike. Here are some pieces I hope to add to my wardrobe very soon...or at least find some way to achieve the same looks at a much lower price! I am just an intern, after all.
Isn't this gorgeous?? This little baby peaking out from your skirt would be sure to put some spring into your step, not to mention the fun you would have just wearing it around the house! It's made by a company called Your Slip Is Showing. I love their designs! They have one with black/white trim and a little rhinestone Jolly Roger which I think is pretty sassy! Perhaps a DIY project might be in order for me on this one...

I first saw these on Frou Frou Fashionista's blog, and I've been in love ever since. Of course I could never in my wildest dreams afford these particular gloves, but I'm sure a suitable substitute can be found somewhere.

Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. I have a pair of all black, Anne Klein, sling back heels sort of reminiscent of these shoes. The toe and the heel are black patent leather and the rest of the top is quilted black leather (kind of like the 2.55) but one can never have too many shoes. Besides, flats and heels are totally different! There is no substitute for these...I'll have to dream for now.

Instant glamour. This particular hat can be yours if you stop by Metro Gypsy's etsy shop this particular hat can be yours. I'll have to be content to find one in the plethora of antique shops in my neighborhood.
*sighs* Instead I've got flour in my hair, butter smears on my jeans, and scone dough in my fingernails. Some day I'll be a lady. Someday.

Little White Gloves

I first saw these on Frou Frou Fashionista's blog, and I've been in love ever since. Of course I could never in my wildest dreams afford these particular gloves, but I'm sure a suitable substitute can be found somewhere.
These Shoes
Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. I have a pair of all black, Anne Klein, sling back heels sort of reminiscent of these shoes. The toe and the heel are black patent leather and the rest of the top is quilted black leather (kind of like the 2.55) but one can never have too many shoes. Besides, flats and heels are totally different! There is no substitute for these...I'll have to dream for now.
Instant glamour. This particular hat can be yours if you stop by Metro Gypsy's etsy shop this particular hat can be yours. I'll have to be content to find one in the plethora of antique shops in my neighborhood.
*sighs* Instead I've got flour in my hair, butter smears on my jeans, and scone dough in my fingernails. Some day I'll be a lady. Someday.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Imagine the grass stains!
I have admitted before, and I'll admit again, that I spend entirely too much time pouring over wedding blogs. I love it when I'm on a non-wedding related website and I see absolutely ridiculous weddings. For instance, this one about a Chinese bride who set a world record for the longest veil/train at 2 km. I would never do this in a million years, since it would be a guarantee that I will spend my entire marriage as a quadriplegic. But you know, the more I look into these weddings, the more these sorts of things make me happy. I am so not into the whole 300 people at a fancy hotel, with the fluffy strapless gown, and the fondant cake and the signature cocktails with Tiffany blue and chocolate brown as my colors. I like reading about weddings where people do stuff because they like it. It usually turns out to be the most precious thing I've ever heard of...and some times the tackiest, but you know what? It's always from the heart. Isn't that what weddings are all about? On that note, I am pleased to announce that my signature cocktail will be bottles of Red Stripe straight from a bucket of ice. Bottle openers will be provided.
Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm sure everyone has at least stopped in at Oh, Mishka since she has been honored as a Blog of Note. She recently wrote a post called getting to know you. She said to share anything you like, but I thought her list of little facts was so cute, so I'll just stick with responding directly to the facts she shared about herself.
My Name is Nissa.
I haven't said where I live on my blog yet, I think I'll keep it that way for kicks and giggles. BUT, I can say that in alphabetical order, I have lived in: Alaska, Florida, Texas, and Virginia.
This week, in my spare time I cooked vegetarian dishes for my new roommate and his girlfriend, went for leisurely bike rides, ate a pound of dried fruit, played board games, FINALLY saw the rest of Monty Python's Meaning of Life and painted my nails white, a la Gwen Stefani.
I am a Senior Intern for a baker at my local farmers market. My internship is really more of an apprenticeship, since I'm not getting any credit for it. But, I will be prepared to start my own stand at the market next season. I also make gourmet cakes, which she lets me sell by the slice at our stand. ( The picture above is one of one of my very first cakes. This week I was lazy and just made a traditional southern cake: Coconut.) I write a blog about my experiences there too.
Back home (I call my parents' house "home" and the place where I live now "the townhouse".) I have a Samoyed named Fuji. He is also known as "Pure Sunshine", "Love", "Rico Suave", and "Pup-Pup" just to name a few of his aliases. I think if he could talk, he would sound like Tim Gunn.
I have a Special Beau (Fiance), who is a philosopher. We are high school sweet hearts, and we met at band camp... my instrument is flute, his is trombone.Yes, we have seen American Pie. No, we are not into that sort of thing.
I haven't said where I live on my blog yet, I think I'll keep it that way for kicks and giggles. BUT, I can say that in alphabetical order, I have lived in: Alaska, Florida, Texas, and Virginia.
This week, in my spare time I cooked vegetarian dishes for my new roommate and his girlfriend, went for leisurely bike rides, ate a pound of dried fruit, played board games, FINALLY saw the rest of Monty Python's Meaning of Life and painted my nails white, a la Gwen Stefani.
I am a Senior Intern for a baker at my local farmers market. My internship is really more of an apprenticeship, since I'm not getting any credit for it. But, I will be prepared to start my own stand at the market next season. I also make gourmet cakes, which she lets me sell by the slice at our stand. ( The picture above is one of one of my very first cakes. This week I was lazy and just made a traditional southern cake: Coconut.) I write a blog about my experiences there too.
Back home (I call my parents' house "home" and the place where I live now "the townhouse".) I have a Samoyed named Fuji. He is also known as "Pure Sunshine", "Love", "Rico Suave", and "Pup-Pup" just to name a few of his aliases. I think if he could talk, he would sound like Tim Gunn.
I have a Special Beau (Fiance), who is a philosopher. We are high school sweet hearts, and we met at band camp... my instrument is flute, his is trombone.Yes, we have seen American Pie. No, we are not into that sort of thing.
So...that's me according to her format. This was totally self indulgent/narcissistic, but you gotta do that once in a while, right? :o)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Mad Men
I'm getting ready to move into a town house with my fiance and 4 of our friends. UGH! It is a little daunting, but the potential for the same kind of fun huge families has is over riding that. To celebrate our house warming I have taken the liberty to Mad Men-ize everyone in the house.

I think everyone looks so nice in their mid-century attire. That's me in the yellow dress. These little cartoons make me want to rock a pair of little white gloves and a hat with a blusher to run errands.
I think everyone looks so nice in their mid-century attire. That's me in the yellow dress. These little cartoons make me want to rock a pair of little white gloves and a hat with a blusher to run errands.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
He asked...
My lover over at Existential Funk is now my fiance...or as I prefer to call him, " my special beau". He made us a lovely dinner on the balcony of our old apartment while we were in the middle of moving into our summer cottage. He waited until it got dark and the fireflies came out because he knows I love them. It's been a month now, and I am still so excited. We haven't set a date, but we know the big day won't happen for a couple of years. I am in the middle of graduate school applications and all that. That being said, I have been spending WAY too much time looking at wedding blogs,, Martha Stewart Weddings and other such nonsense. I have a bookmark file that is now comparable to Monica's "wedding book". How does this happen?! Oh well, at least I won't have last minute planning stress, right?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Addictive Chemicals
I have sixty-seven bajillion things I'd like to blog about! First (I will make a full post about this later.) I am engaged!!! YAY!
Okay on to THIS post...
This is merely a list of foods I think are laced with "addictive chemicals that make you crave it fortnightly":
Any other foods I should be wary of?
Okay on to THIS post...
This is merely a list of foods I think are laced with "addictive chemicals that make you crave it fortnightly":
- Kashi Cheddar TLCs
- Taco Bell Crunch Wrap Supremes
- General Tso's Chicken and egg rolls
- Crasins
- Pad Thai (particularly from this place called Cafe de Bangkok...they put tomatoes and vinegar in it...weird but SO good.)
- Umeboshi Furekaki
- Panera Bread's broccoli and cheddar soup sopped up with that piece of bread they give you in the you pick two meal
- Dr. Pepper
- Kraft Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese
Any other foods I should be wary of?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
What I should be...and am not...doing
I should be: packing my things to move, doing the dishes, posting the video I made for my dad for Father's Day on YouTube, running the air conditioner, salvaging the couch in our parking lot for craigslist sale, making move in arrangements with the owner of our "summer cottage", praying, reading an article to present tomorrow, updating my etsy, being well behaved, having manicured toes, using my retainer, preparing to move back home to go back to school, and wearing sunscreen.
I'm just too tired. It was such a long, productive day. I was at market all day today, and then I came home and picked some wild raspberries from my secret spot! Unfortunately the cherries are all ruined from too much rain...but it's cool.
And now for something completely different.
I made a video for my dad, to wish him a happy father's day. I sound like an idiot, and I noticed I'm doing this weird thing with my mouth when I talk...gross. I think I might be the most annoying person on the plannet in that video. Oh well, too late to change it now. I hope he gets the heartfelt message!
I'm just too tired. It was such a long, productive day. I was at market all day today, and then I came home and picked some wild raspberries from my secret spot! Unfortunately the cherries are all ruined from too much rain...but it's cool.
And now for something completely different.
I made a video for my dad, to wish him a happy father's day. I sound like an idiot, and I noticed I'm doing this weird thing with my mouth when I talk...gross. I think I might be the most annoying person on the plannet in that video. Oh well, too late to change it now. I hope he gets the heartfelt message!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Add a little caramel in the mix!
I may not have rosy cheeks, creamy thighs or a petite nose...but damn it...I got it goin' on! I'm so surprised and glad to see this isn't a recent discovery. Leave it to a woman to include all of us in her definition of beauty.
Joyce Ballantyne. Year unknown. (1940s??)
Joyce Ballantyne. Year unknown. (1940s??)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
For Ashley
I think we should see this when it comes out. It will be research for your book, of course.
Also, this.
I'm looking forward to our first day in the kitchen tomorrow!
Also, this.
I'm looking forward to our first day in the kitchen tomorrow!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Orange Lilies
Thursday, June 11, 2009
No shrinking violet
Over at A New Simple Something Shokoofeh posted a link to a quiz which asked "What flower are you?". I took the quiz, and this is my result:
How fitting since my wall paper on my laptop is a field of daffodils!
How fitting since my wall paper on my laptop is a field of daffodils!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Sacred Lullaby
I have seen the first 20 minutes of Monty Python's The Meaning of Life several times. However, for reasons unknown, I fall asleep promptly after the "Every Sperm is Sacred" scene EVERY TIME! I don't know what it is about that song. It knocks me out like a heavyweight.
It's not like I don't enjoy the movie up to that part. I think the song is brilliant! I love the old pirate accountants! I laugh out loud at least once every three minutes. But we watched it this week, and yet again I didn't make it. I think next time we are just going to start the movie at the part right after that song.
Well, time for bed...
It's not like I don't enjoy the movie up to that part. I think the song is brilliant! I love the old pirate accountants! I laugh out loud at least once every three minutes. But we watched it this week, and yet again I didn't make it. I think next time we are just going to start the movie at the part right after that song.
Well, time for bed...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wild cherries!
As thrilled as I was over the cherry blossoms in March and April, I am ten times more thrilled over the summer bounty they are delivering! The cherry trees on the trail my lover and I like to run/bike on and one behind our apartment building are just full of sweet wild cherries! I can't wait for them to be ripe! Cherry clafouti anyone?
Monday, June 1, 2009
Food! Glorious food!
Here are some photos from the promised.
Memorial Day: Barbecue in the oven, bacon and sour cream mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese with broccoli.
Brad's lovely pancakes, which are not quite as good as my dad's (but really, whose are?) but are still absolutely divine. These ones are plain, but pancakes at our breakfast table frequently include fresh blue berries and banana slices.

Brad's home made pizza (he even made the crust!), topped with fresh tomato slices and on his half, onions too. I made the salad. By made, I mean took out of the bag and put into the bowl. :0)
We try to eat at the table together as often as possible. I think it's an important habit to get into. It really is a nice time for us to spend together. You'd be surprised how big a two bedroom apartment can feel some days.
Brad's home made pizza (he even made the crust!), topped with fresh tomato slices and on his half, onions too. I made the salad. By made, I mean took out of the bag and put into the bowl. :0)
We try to eat at the table together as often as possible. I think it's an important habit to get into. It really is a nice time for us to spend together. You'd be surprised how big a two bedroom apartment can feel some days.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Capricious the travel blogs didn't work out so well. BUT that is only because I have resumed my ever growing love affair with my new town. I have to go to work...but more later.
I've been working a lot... not really...but for me it is a drastic increase after being a house girlfriend for about 3 months. But the work is satisfying so I'm happy. I haven't been taking very many photos...I REALLY should start taking more. Summer is beautiful here. The peonies have bloomed. Unfortunately it's been raining, and we all know peonies are best enjoyed in the sunshine!
The photos I have taken lately are all of meals. Weird, eh? I feel like how people eat is the most accurate reflection of how well people are doing in life. I've been pretty proud of our tabelscape/stove top lately, so I've been photographing it. I'll put the series up tomorrow ( I have a short day at work on Fridays.) The best way to describe our table scape is to quote Oscar Wilde: "Those who live within their means suffer from a serious lack of imagination." While we have modest means, we eat well. I would say my lover and I eat better than most people in our cohort. Three cheers for a boyfriend that can cook!
At any rate...I leave you with this sentiment for how I feel at this very moment:
I've been working a lot... not really...but for me it is a drastic increase after being a house girlfriend for about 3 months. But the work is satisfying so I'm happy. I haven't been taking very many photos...I REALLY should start taking more. Summer is beautiful here. The peonies have bloomed. Unfortunately it's been raining, and we all know peonies are best enjoyed in the sunshine!
The photos I have taken lately are all of meals. Weird, eh? I feel like how people eat is the most accurate reflection of how well people are doing in life. I've been pretty proud of our tabelscape/stove top lately, so I've been photographing it. I'll put the series up tomorrow ( I have a short day at work on Fridays.) The best way to describe our table scape is to quote Oscar Wilde: "Those who live within their means suffer from a serious lack of imagination." While we have modest means, we eat well. I would say my lover and I eat better than most people in our cohort. Three cheers for a boyfriend that can cook!
At any rate...I leave you with this sentiment for how I feel at this very moment:
Saturday, May 23, 2009
80 days, eh?
Right now I'm in the middle of settling into my adult life. I'm working, grocery shopping, doing laundry all that good stuff. I'm even working on building a better future for myself by going to graduate school. Of course, now that I feel settled here, all I want to do is travel. Although this town is still very new to me, and I still find novel things to love about it every day, I feel like now is a good time to stretch out in another new place, if only for a week or so. So that's exactly what I'm going to do. This week all posts will be regarding a place I'd like to visit, some for the first time, and some again. Let's start with...
Key West, FL
Beautiful beaches, reefs for snorkeling, Kinos (They are the most comfortable sandals and with such a reasonable price, they are addicting), a surprising number of restored historical sites with guided tours ( like the Hemingway house, the Truman house, and the Pirate Museum and the Conch Train), great food (Key Lime Pie and Rum Runners!!) , a party with every tropical sunset, and beautiful hotels. My family loves it there. My dad and his buddies go every August for the lobster mini season. Oh how I miss my beloved Margaritaville!
Key West, FL
Beautiful beaches, reefs for snorkeling, Kinos (They are the most comfortable sandals and with such a reasonable price, they are addicting), a surprising number of restored historical sites with guided tours ( like the Hemingway house, the Truman house, and the Pirate Museum and the Conch Train), great food (Key Lime Pie and Rum Runners!!) , a party with every tropical sunset, and beautiful hotels. My family loves it there. My dad and his buddies go every August for the lobster mini season. Oh how I miss my beloved Margaritaville!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
I am the Muffin Master!
Last week I made banana muffins from scratch using my own recipe, and they turned out fantastic that I have decided to be "that person" and keep the recipe for myself. However, I do have another muffin journey to share. In the past, when I made the muffins from a bag (you know, the ones that say "just add milk!" ) they turn out about 3/4 of an inch tall, and dry. So I decided to use what I know about baking, and doctor them up a bit. Here is the result:
Gorgeous, right? Here's what I did:
Preheat the oven to 425 (like it says on the package)
Add 1/4 cup milk, 1/4 cup oil, and one egg.
Mix by hand (you know how to do muffins, ever so slightly lumpy)
Fill muffin tin with 3 tbs of batter in each well. There will only be 5 muffins, so fill the empty wells with water. That way the pan won't warp. (Oh, and if you are using liners...don't leave the empty liner in the well when you put the pan in the oven...they catch fire when you do that. It's scary- I mean, I heard it's scary. Especially when you are a teenager.)
Bake for 18 minutes.
They will be so moist, and fluffy. I know some people (like my lover) prefer really dense muffins (like those banana muffins), but if you like a nice light lemon poppy seed muffin, this is the way to go. It's a really nice and fine crumb.
P.S. All the muffins were gone within 2 hours.
Preheat the oven to 425 (like it says on the package)
Add 1/4 cup milk, 1/4 cup oil, and one egg.
Mix by hand (you know how to do muffins, ever so slightly lumpy)
Fill muffin tin with 3 tbs of batter in each well. There will only be 5 muffins, so fill the empty wells with water. That way the pan won't warp. (Oh, and if you are using liners...don't leave the empty liner in the well when you put the pan in the oven...they catch fire when you do that. It's scary- I mean, I heard it's scary. Especially when you are a teenager.)
Bake for 18 minutes.
They will be so moist, and fluffy. I know some people (like my lover) prefer really dense muffins (like those banana muffins), but if you like a nice light lemon poppy seed muffin, this is the way to go. It's a really nice and fine crumb.
P.S. All the muffins were gone within 2 hours.
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