The good news is, my cake turned out beautifully and it sold really well. I made an apple-pear cake with a toffee drizzle (which hardened for a lovely croquembouche effect) and sprinkled with slivered almonds. It really was delicious, and lots of people commented on how original the cake was.
The bad news is, this morning, as I finished drizzling the cake with my homemade toffee...I accidentally splattered a bit of the molten candy on my face resulting in second degree burns. We had a guest in the living room and one room mate with the door open, so it was all I could do not to scream...but when I got to the bathroom up stairs I let the four letter words fly. I cried over the potentially drastic and permanent change in my appearance. After all, this was no scrape on the knee, easily hidden and forgotten. Luckily, my fiance used to be a Boyscout, and was able to patch me up quite nicely after a reaffirming check to the Mayo Clinic website on basic burn care. (Isn't the time we live in amazing? I have a small kitchen burn, and have a resource like the Mayo Clinic at my fingertips!) I had to postpone the Japanese Dumpling Feast I was going to host this evening since I also burned my fingers in an effort to pull the hot toffee off my face.
There is more good news. My special beau dressed my wounds himself, and did it so lovingly and gently that my heart has been aflutter all day long. He even did them again after I took my shower. I tried to do them myself, but I looked like a freak. When he does them the bandages are neat and minimal.
I can't give him complete kisses, since I have a small burn about the size of a pencil eraser on my lip...but I give him European air kisses. Tomorrow, when I've recovered a little, I'll make him some banana muffins like I used to when we lived in the apartment. I think he'll like that.
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