The residents of Plebes hosted a Halloween Fete, and we had planned to have a costume contest. Everyone was having too much fun to organize a proper pageant and voting system, so it never really materialized. Also, most people decided that my lover's costume was pretty much uncontested.
We had blood-red punch, pumpkin/devil's food cake, deviled eggs, toasted pumpkin seeds and many other snacks. I put out stuff to make s'mores next to our fireplace and our dear friend Mike built a roaring fire so everyone could have toasty marshmallow goodness!
Sunday was spent recovering from an entirely too wild night, and on Monday I received a phone call from my family that my cousin had her first child! Christian Alexander is in da hizzouse!!! He's the first baby in our family in 13 years! We are all so excited! I cannot wait to see him and meet him in a few weeks. I will post photos as soon as they are made available to me.
This coming weekend is equally booked up! There will be a philosophy conference, the final market of the season, and a baby shower for my boss.
Oh, yes, and I will be doing my graduate applications all the while.
Also, this:
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