Thursday, October 3, 2013

Photo a Day- with Friends!

October 1, 2013: Something Colorful

October 2, 2013: Light (could I have been any less creative?)

October 3, 2013: Me, today. 

For the month of October, I am doing a photo a day challenge. In order to increase my chances of completing the challenge, I have convinced dear cousin to also participate! She is a professional photographer (read: genius artist in the medium of light and humans), and an insightful, tender, profound writer. In short, everyone hoping to escape from being labeled a "philistine" should be following her blog.

If you want to participate too...or just want to jump in on a day with a particularly moving prompt (which is what I usually end up doing), please do! And please share  your art in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you aren't a philistine. :)

    Is that art installment from the "color" photo from work? I love it. :)
