My response is a little embarrassing, because it's not really what most would consider a literary classic, as it has not yet proven to be endearing through the ages. But I think, in time it will become one. My most worn in book is my copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Seriously. I don't even know how many times I've read it (the last time being over my winter holiday from school)! When I first acquired it, I was in 7th grade and I would cram it into my backpack at the beginning of the day, in the hopes of a substitute teacher assigning independent reading time. If there was no such luck to be had, I would pry it out from between entirely too many text books and binders for one student to carry (Just like Hermione, OMG! Haha! ), and I would sneak a page or two at a time during dimly lit lectures accompanied by over head projector visual aids. <-- Now, I'm showing my age!
Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite of the series because I think it's the most revealing about who the characters really are. If you want to know what makes each of them tick, I refer you to this book. Plus you get to see Diagonally, Hogsmead, and other parts of the wizarding world in satisfying detail. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's my favorite book ever...but it is definitely in my top 5.
Should you feel so moved (as I was) to write about your most tattered book, please be sure to post a comment and a link!
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