As a former resident of Florida, I find the hysteria surrounding hurricanes in New England to be a little exhausting. I bought some soup, set aside some water and really expected a long, rainy day and nothing more. I must be an expert after all those years down south, because that's exactly what happened. Not that I'm not grateful for the safety, I'm just not surprised that it turned out to be much ado about nothing. Sending positive thoughts to those that need it in The Carolinas and Mid-Atlantic.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Mc Bad Choice
My brain is laced with congealed fat and genetically modified whatever, so this entry will be poorly written...although, I think that is normal for me. Anyway, I give you the thoughts, *actions*, and "words" (and commentary!) that all came together today to make...
The McBad Choice.
I'm running out of money! Hurry up fall semester! I need my financial aid. I should try to save money and hit up the old McDollar Menu during my lunch break at the temp job I've taken up (and surprisingly enjoy) to make ends meet during the times I'm not working as an unpaid intern (which I also enjoy). *Walks up to counter and am informed that my order does not compute* WHAT?! A MCDONALD'S WITH NO DOLLAR MENU? Blasphemy! ...Shit! What should I order??? *panic mode* "Uh... I'll have a number 4 with Dr. Pepper." What did I just order? ( FYI: Asking for a number 4 at McDonald's will get you two cheeseburgers a medium fry and a medium soda. Why I didn't just ask for a regular cheeseburger instead is a mystery.) I'll sit at this small table to eat my enormous meal in peace and shame. *Family walks in with no less that 8 screaming children and two sleeping children in a double stroller, sits down at all the tables surrounding me, and two of them sit at my table. Without asking me if I'm okay with that.* (Literally. <--I am using this word correctly, not to indicate hyperbole.) These people are lucky I'm doing my internship in pediatrics, and I like kids! For all they know, I'm one of those bitches with a hostile womb who hates children! Or, a well dressed crazy person! ( I know that's not what a hostile womb is. Just work with me here.) *React to the child kicking me under the table by inhaling my fries and second burger at an alarming and impressive rate.* I really want ketchup. But if I get up, I might lose my seat, my meal or both! *continue to eat fries as they are*. *Collects things and clear out as fast as I can. My chair is swallowed by the crowd and I run out of there.*
*Halfway back to the office* Let me check the time on my phone. Where is my phone? CRAP! *Runs back to McHell* *Snatches phone from the middle of the table, which goes unnoticed by screaming children and broken parents*
*Day goes by...* I'm never eating anything that's not a homemade fruit smoothie, ever again.
*Goes home and showers grease and sin away*. * Lover comes home and surprises me with donner kebab for dinner*! *I pretend to be dainty for 5 seconds before polishing it off like a boss*. *PAIN* I think I might be able to withstand childbirth without drugs after this.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Inspiration: Twin Peaks Brunch
After netflix jammed this show down our throats after we gave high ratings to The X Files, A Clockwork Orange and 2001: A Space Odyssey; Brad finally broke down and began to watch Twin Peaks. It has been our bedtime ritual for two weeks now, since the music makes me calm and sleepy, and Brad likes to have "quiet while [he's] watching [his] stories". (His words.)
Anyway, I think the show would lend itself quite nicely to a brunch theme for those of us who are just left of center...
The menu

It is cannon that all brunches include eggs, orange juice and a fresh fruit and veggie offering of some sort. These things are non-negotiable. But for the sake of theme making you have to go beyond that. So, here we have the famous donuts, set out just so. I think they would make a pretty awesome (Edible!) table runner. You'll notice in the show that they are the kind of doughnuts you get in the cake doughnut variety pack (plain, chocolate, powdered sugar and if you're lucky, cinnamon and sugar). Of course it is far tastier if you can find these varieties freshly made at your local shop, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone turn down a powdered doughnut of any kind. Of course you need some diner pie. Cherry is the most famously associated, but if it's not your thing, no worries! I've heard them mention several types of berry pie a couple of times here and there. The next part is very important to get right. It must be MAPLE ham. Why? Because, " Nothing beats the taste sensation when maple syrup collides with ham!" Wash it all down with some "damn fine coffee".
The Decorations

Just picture it: A table laid out with a red cloth. Simple, diner style dishes, silverware and condiment containers. Black and white zig-zag napkins, bound by those charming owl napkin rings. Finish it off with poker chips strewn about the table. (Don't forget the DOUGHNUT CENTERPIECE!)
Hopefully your friends are able to be entertained by their own conversation at a brunch, but just in case yours need a little help, may I recommend an "FBI investigation for clues"? Hide iconic items from the show around the gathering space and make it a scavenger hunt for guests. (Items on the list might include an eye patch, a small baggie of "cocaine"- powdered sugar, firewood, Denise's wig, etc.)
There, I said it. I'm weird, and Twin Peaks inspires me to throw brunch parties. Yeah...just RSVP in the comments section.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Rainbow Connection
I saw on NPR's website that the Muppets are releasing a new album performed by some of their newer rock star friends. ( You can follow the link to listen to the album in it's entirety until it is actually released!) Of course everyone has their favorites that bring them back ("'Bass Man'?! That's my jam!") but I think there is one song that unfailingly moves everyone that listens to it: "The Rainbow Connection". Seriously, if you can listen to the original version (or the new version on The Muppets Green Album, mentioned above) without at least getting misty, you have no soul.
"Who said that every wish would be heard and answered when wished on the morning star? Somebody thought of that. And someone believed it. Look what it's done so far..."
The thing about this song is, it's not dismissive of reality. It acknowledges that having faith in dreams alone is silly. But, that faith is an ESSENTIAL PART of making dreams come true, and that dreams can come true. How wonderful is that? I hope I can successfully teach my children to believe in their dreams in a way that will never prove to be false, the way Jim Henson does in this song.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Dog Days Are Upon Us
Cloudy again...but rumors of sun tomorrow! Today I am turning in my abstract for the poster session by those of us who are completing their practicum during the summer semester. This means two things:
1. I am one step closer to being a master of public health!
2. The summer is almost over. (BOO!)
Time to break out the old "Summer 2011" Bucket less to assess what has been successfully completed, and what still needs to be done!
Summer 2011 Bucket List
1. Practicum- Check!
2. Visit Arnold Arboretum
3. Visit Freedom Trail- Check!
4. Swim
5. Have a cold one at a brewery tour- Check!
6. Have an epic Fourth of July Celebration in the cradle of independence- Check!
7. Barbecue ribs- Check!
8. Cobbler and pie- Check!
9. Raspberry-Lime Rickey
10. Grill out- Check!
11. Visit Cape Cod
Looks like I've got a bit of summer left ahead of me after all...
Monday, August 15, 2011
Bread of the Week: Harvest Grain
I hope to make this a regular feature, so I'll be more likely to keep up with the bread baking. This first week, I made a whole-wheat harvest grain bread.
I used the recipe for 10-grain bread in Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day, but I substituted King Arthur Flour's Harvest Grainsfor the Bob's Red Mill 10-Grain Cereal. I think the Harvest Grains require less water than Bob's mix, but I just made up the difference by adding some extra flour until I got it to a nice consistency.
I just made a small 1 lb loaf, because it's just the two of us. We want to be able to eat it all before it goes stale.
My very favorite thing to do with fresh, crusty, savory breads is to make really gorgeous grilled cheese sandwiches. I think that Baby Swiss in the fridge will do quite nicely!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Can we just talk, for the 500 billionth time in the blogosphere, about how impeccable the style of the women of Mad Men is? I'm not just talking about their glamorous outfits for going out, I'm mostly fascinated by the outfits and hair styles they wear when they're just"schlepping around" at home. Here are some elements I'm hoping to incorporate into my own wardrobe.
Midge in Season 1, Episode 1

Definitely a strong contender for my first day of school this year.
Hermes scarf
The obvious reference is the scarf gifted to Peggy by Duck, but several of the ladies make use of this holy grail of fabric squares. Okay, maybe I can't have an Hermes scarf anytime soon...but I can get a very nice silk one somewhere else, and I can wear it in these ways:
and lastly,
Trudy Campbell's Hair
I'm obsessed with it.

Sunday, It's Raining.
For some reason summer rain does not get me down, the way it does any other time of the year. I guess it's because summer rain usually a pretty heavy downpour for a short amount of time, so it feels very exhilarating and cleansing. I recently saw this post on fitsugar that gives tips for hiking in the rain. I never thought about doing that, but it seems like a fantastic life experience! I definitely added it to my bucket list. It has inspired me to do a little cleansing in my own life, lately.
I'm upping the exercise as I've grown a little belly (not a baby, just a belly) in the past two months. I've been using the "Crunch" workout series. (Available on Netflix watch instantly!) So far, I've done the "Super Slim Down", a yoga Pilates mix; and the "Candlelight Yoga", hosted by my favorite Yogi: Sarah Ivanhoe! Today I'm also changing my diet to include more veggies and less cheese (and less McDonalds.... and less New England ice cream...)
I started baking my own bread again. (This week's recipe is Harvest Grain.) It think it upset me more than I care to admit, that I didn't get the job at a a bakery in my neighborhood. I stopped cooking with passion and fell back on simple recipes that were not very healthy. I haven't written on my cooking blog in ages. I have been reading David Lebowitz's blog though. He is so inspiring! I really hope this is a temporary feeling, but I think the best way out of my little rut is to start blogging regularly again. It keeps me on the look out for inspiring things in my life, and serves as a record of all the inspiration in my life to keep me going on the slower days. I don't advocate living to blog, or blogging to live, in the long run; but for now I think this is what I need.
Also, this:
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