A girl walked into one of my classes flirting with being preppy to the point of costume. Pink button down, flipped up collar, yellow wellies with pink and blue gingham trim, and pearl stud earrings. I think part of the reason her outfit looked really chic, rather than looking like a costume is that everything was pressed, and beautifully cut. Her outfit fit her like a glove. The other reason for her look being so awesome was her REALLY great headband. It was so simple, but it had the perfect luxurious touch: a horse bit. It's a nice departure from the usual nautical interpretation of the preppy aesthetic. I might even go so far to say this look suggests some sort of elitism in preppiness, with only the very upper echelons of "society" partaking in equestrian sports like polo. (Listen to me! Like "society" matters. This sounds so snobby...I really don't mean it to be! ) Yes, I had all of these thoughts on a headband. You can think what you want about that. :o/
I found it here. She's got the black one, which is the color I would pick too. I have so many other things I need to spend money on before I shell out $30 for a head band...but it's so perfect! Forever 21 and H+M, are you listening??? I need this on the cheap, and I need it now! Maybe I should submit a request to Miss Madeline to help me with this little case of fashion lust. Also, I was quite tickled to see a little shout-out to the bit motif in fashion on Miss Ginny's blog this week!
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