Our bedroom is quite the blank canvas, so the photos leave a little to be desired. But, it is clean, comfortable, sunny and (most importantly) it is ours. We have some nice architectural elements to work with, and a few brilliant decorative pieces of which I'm very proud.

There was originally a window in our room that looked out into the hallway, but it has been filled in to leave a very cool decorating element. I'm trying to convince Brad that we need to put a wall paper sample in it to make a nice back ground for some shelves... he's not entirely sold on the idea.
And yes, you did see what you thought you saw...

It's so quintessentially him. :o)

Our windows! They let in lots of sunlight( It was night time when I took these photos...because I just couldn't wait for the next day!) and fresh air.
Those little picture frames look familiar...
There's something familiar about that artwork too...

I love this foot locker at the end of the bed. It goes nicely with the hardwood floors, don't you think?

This was the only angle from which I could capture most of the room. Things In this photo that I love: The windows, the wall hangings, the chair in the corner, the radiator, the reversible quilt, the high floorboards, and the Union Jack for a little kitsch (and to cover up the busted frame surrounding Brad's Combat Rock poster). So, pretty much everything.
In other news, I have a job as a temp for an agency which specializes in events. It's a great, non-intrusive job. I just finished a gig this weekend, and I was already asked back for another one in the future. I guess that means they're happy with me! :o)
In other-other news, one of my friends from back home (and by back home I mean, we went to school together from K to 12!) came by for a pancake breakfast cooked by my lover and hosted by me! It's SO nice to have some company, and for it to be someone from home just makes it that much better. Our timing for meeting up was perfect, since she just bought a couch, she and her Sean are getting rid of their old futon...and they are giving it to us...with waffle fries! FO' FREE! (Except without the waffle fries.) I have yet to decide on an adequate thank you pastry for them, but what ever it is, I can safely say it will have to be great to cover the gratitude I feel! I have until this weekend to come up with a recipe.
Parking is still a nightmare. School starts a week from tomorrow, I still need to get my shot records signed. I'm now an expert at commuting across town on the T. It's been cold and rainy for 5 days, it's supposed to be warm tomorrow. Brad and I have library cards, and thus we do not have a netflix account. Minutia, details, boring, etc.