Saturday, November 21, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Halloween II
Halloween was great this year and warranted two posts. I am finally posting part two of the Halloween party. First, here is the bestiality...and I warn you it is pretty graphic. Rated NC-17 for full frontal male animal nudity. ***THIS IS NOT A JOKE, IT'S REALLY GRAPHIC!!!*** One of my roommates was an anatomically correct horse, complete with functioning parts. So to speak. It's vulgar yet genius. It took a lot of effort, research and planning to create something like that! I salute you, Sir.
Also, this:
Also, this:
Black and Gold
by Nancy Byrd Turner
Everything is black and gold
Black and gold, to-night:
Yellow pumpkins, yellow moon
Yellow candle light;
Jet black cats with golden eyes
Shadows black as ink
Firelight blinking in the dark
With a yellow blink
Black and gold, black and gold
Nothing in between-
When the world turns black and gold
Then it's Halloween!
by Nancy Byrd Turner
Everything is black and gold
Black and gold, to-night:
Yellow pumpkins, yellow moon
Yellow candle light;
Jet black cats with golden eyes
Shadows black as ink
Firelight blinking in the dark
With a yellow blink
Black and gold, black and gold
Nothing in between-
When the world turns black and gold
Then it's Halloween!
My friend Peg recited this for me at the Farmers' Market on Halloween, and I simply adored it! She sent me an mp3 of her reciting the poem, but I can't figure out how to get it up here, which is frustrating. But, anyway. I love this poem and I love Halloween. Ramping up for Thanksgiving now. :o)
11:50 pm: I have 10 minutes left of being 22. Let me just say, it was a great year! I did a lot of growing, went on a lot of adventures, and did a lot of loving. Every year, the night before my birthday I say the last year was the best year of my life, but now I've had enough best years to be pretty confident that the next year is going to be even better. I'm not sure I can even imagine what something better than 22 is going to be like but I'm looking forward to it!
Okay, so I didn't do the dishes...BUT my room is clean! That has to count for something, right? And it won't be so bad to clean the kitchen when I'm fresh and rested.
Okay, so I didn't do the dishes...BUT my room is clean! That has to count for something, right? And it won't be so bad to clean the kitchen when I'm fresh and rested.
10:48 pm: My kitchen is a mess...but my laundry is done. :o) I'm really tired, and I am SO tempted to leave the mess until tomorrow...but tomorrow is my birthday, and I REALLY don't want to do dishes on my birthday. I would also feel terribly guilty pushing my mess onto someone else. *sighs* Okay...dishes...lovely post...bed. :o)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What's that smell?
I was reading the Glamour Magazine blog (oh, God.) and one of the entries was asking readers what weird smells they like. The author of the entry said she liked the smell of gasoline and the way her hands smell after cooking with garlic. I thought it was a pretty original and intriguing question, so here is my answer:
I like the smell of puppy breath, Fuji (which is very different from the smell of other dogs.), tire shops, Camel cigarettes, Simple Green all purpose cleaner, babies, Saturday morning (it smells like freshness, coffee and a hint of bacon), library books, old houses ( they smell like trees and rain, even when it doesn't rain), buttermilk, hair salons, and pickled vegetables of all sorts.
I like the smell of puppy breath, Fuji (which is very different from the smell of other dogs.), tire shops, Camel cigarettes, Simple Green all purpose cleaner, babies, Saturday morning (it smells like freshness, coffee and a hint of bacon), library books, old houses ( they smell like trees and rain, even when it doesn't rain), buttermilk, hair salons, and pickled vegetables of all sorts.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Ty's Big Brother Beats
Ty is two years old, and next month he'll be a big brother! Here is the play list of a CD I made for him.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - Ben Harper Isn't it fun to imagine and pretend?
Upside Down- Jack Johnson- You like Curious George, right? I do too.
My Boys-Taken by Trees This song is about the important stuff. It's important to teach the baby about these things too, okay?
Candy in the Sun- Swirl 360 On your mark, get set, DANCE!
Golden Phone-Micachu and the Shapes The first time I heard this song it reminded me of you.
Super Rad- The Aquabats It's a song about superheroes and aliens. Cool, huh?
Let's Go Surfing- The Drums I think if you could write a song right now it would sound like this.
Mushaboom-Feist Isn't this a silly word?
It's Oh So Quiet- Bjork It's always a good idea to strike a good balance between quiet and loud.
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Anthology Version)- The Beatles One of my favorites.
We're Going to Be Friends- Jack Johnson The most important thing to remember is that the new baby is going to be your very best friend.
Ty's Big Brother Beats
Rumpus- Karen O and the Kids It's your job to teach your little brother or sister how to make the highest quality rumpus.Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - Ben Harper Isn't it fun to imagine and pretend?
Upside Down- Jack Johnson- You like Curious George, right? I do too.
My Boys-Taken by Trees This song is about the important stuff. It's important to teach the baby about these things too, okay?
Candy in the Sun- Swirl 360 On your mark, get set, DANCE!
Golden Phone-Micachu and the Shapes The first time I heard this song it reminded me of you.
Super Rad- The Aquabats It's a song about superheroes and aliens. Cool, huh?
Let's Go Surfing- The Drums I think if you could write a song right now it would sound like this.
Mushaboom-Feist Isn't this a silly word?
It's Oh So Quiet- Bjork It's always a good idea to strike a good balance between quiet and loud.
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Anthology Version)- The Beatles One of my favorites.
We're Going to Be Friends- Jack Johnson The most important thing to remember is that the new baby is going to be your very best friend.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Let's begin with a moment of confession: I am a terrible nerd.
I realize I possess many nerdy qualities, but there are many important parts of nerd culture I am only just discovering/ at which I am totally inept. Video games give me motion sickness, I never use messaging short hand (like, LOL), I have yet to read Hitch Hiker's Guide, and I've never played a role playing game. Now, enter Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. I made a new friend this weekend at a philosophy conference, and he introduced me to it. (I feel slightly better knowing this is pretty new to him too, and that a few of my other nerdy friends don't know about Dr. Horrible either.) My fiance informed me that this is not only old news, but it is a pillar of nerd culture! At any rate, I am in the process of becoming familiar with this little bit of wonderful, and I am in love with it. How could I not be? It stars NPH! (LOVELOVELOVE) I don't want to give too much away and words fail me right now, so here is the first clip:
I realize I possess many nerdy qualities, but there are many important parts of nerd culture I am only just discovering/ at which I am totally inept. Video games give me motion sickness, I never use messaging short hand (like, LOL), I have yet to read Hitch Hiker's Guide, and I've never played a role playing game. Now, enter Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. I made a new friend this weekend at a philosophy conference, and he introduced me to it. (I feel slightly better knowing this is pretty new to him too, and that a few of my other nerdy friends don't know about Dr. Horrible either.) My fiance informed me that this is not only old news, but it is a pillar of nerd culture! At any rate, I am in the process of becoming familiar with this little bit of wonderful, and I am in love with it. How could I not be? It stars NPH! (LOVELOVELOVE) I don't want to give too much away and words fail me right now, so here is the first clip:
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A short game
I saw this game on Oh, Mishka, who saw it on another blog. So here we go!
Reading... Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
Keeping...Seeds from my Jack-O-Lantern. I'm going to make Pumpkin Brittle and sell it at my farmer's market.
Baking... At this very moment...a pumpkin so I can have puree for pumpkin pie. I am a I bake all the time. :o)
Watching... Sea Quest on the Netflix. It's amazing in the same way velveeta and shells is amazing. It's not quite crap like the mac 'n cheese with the powder, but it's still simultaneously wonderful, cheesy and bad.
Trying... to get into graduate school in one piece.
Making... a scarf for my lover.
Congratulating... One cousin on becoming a new mother, another for finding her wedding dress today, and another for making it to his regional Pop Warner football championship!
Keeping...Seeds from my Jack-O-Lantern. I'm going to make Pumpkin Brittle and sell it at my farmer's market.
Baking... At this very moment...a pumpkin so I can have puree for pumpkin pie. I am a I bake all the time. :o)
Watching... Sea Quest on the Netflix. It's amazing in the same way velveeta and shells is amazing. It's not quite crap like the mac 'n cheese with the powder, but it's still simultaneously wonderful, cheesy and bad.
Trying... to get into graduate school in one piece.
Making... a scarf for my lover.
Congratulating... One cousin on becoming a new mother, another for finding her wedding dress today, and another for making it to his regional Pop Warner football championship!
Halloween post part II coming soon, I promise!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
This past weekend was so crazy, I'm only now recapitulating it! I carved my Jack-O-Lantern on Thursday night, and it turned out great.
Unfortunately, he did not last through All Hallows Eve, and was smashed in the street in front of our house, apple scented Glade candle and all :o( . Such are the pit-falls of living in "Bro-ver Valley" (Clover Valley).
The residents of Plebes hosted a Halloween Fete, and we had planned to have a costume contest. Everyone was having too much fun to organize a proper pageant and voting system, so it never really materialized. Also, most people decided that my lover's costume was pretty much uncontested.
It still cracks me up to see him in MY shorts! I dressed up, but not as elaborately. I was a dashboard hula girl, complete with pinup hair/makeup, and I made a hula skirt out of crepe paper. (Just like Molly!!!)

We had blood-red punch, pumpkin/devil's food cake, deviled eggs, toasted pumpkin seeds and many other snacks. I put out stuff to make s'mores next to our fireplace and our dear friend Mike built a roaring fire so everyone could have toasty marshmallow goodness!
Sunday was spent recovering from an entirely too wild night, and on Monday I received a phone call from my family that my cousin had her first child! Christian Alexander is in da hizzouse!!! He's the first baby in our family in 13 years! We are all so excited! I cannot wait to see him and meet him in a few weeks. I will post photos as soon as they are made available to me.
This coming weekend is equally booked up! There will be a philosophy conference, the final market of the season, and a baby shower for my boss.
Oh, yes, and I will be doing my graduate applications all the while.
Also, this:
There will be a Halloween Part II post. It's rated R for Bestiality. You have been warned.
The residents of Plebes hosted a Halloween Fete, and we had planned to have a costume contest. Everyone was having too much fun to organize a proper pageant and voting system, so it never really materialized. Also, most people decided that my lover's costume was pretty much uncontested.
We had blood-red punch, pumpkin/devil's food cake, deviled eggs, toasted pumpkin seeds and many other snacks. I put out stuff to make s'mores next to our fireplace and our dear friend Mike built a roaring fire so everyone could have toasty marshmallow goodness!
Sunday was spent recovering from an entirely too wild night, and on Monday I received a phone call from my family that my cousin had her first child! Christian Alexander is in da hizzouse!!! He's the first baby in our family in 13 years! We are all so excited! I cannot wait to see him and meet him in a few weeks. I will post photos as soon as they are made available to me.
This coming weekend is equally booked up! There will be a philosophy conference, the final market of the season, and a baby shower for my boss.
Oh, yes, and I will be doing my graduate applications all the while.
Also, this:
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