Monday, March 30, 2009
Man up Kermit!
Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's about time I posted about this
Every time I listen to the following song I think, " If I could write a song, it would be this one. Luckily, I can enjoy it without the awkwardness that goes along with listening to your own song."
Friday, March 27, 2009
Bonding Time
I leave you with this grossly paraphrased quote. (Can you do that??)
Movie voice over: Of course it sounds crazy. Who would believe a man could come back from the dead?
Joel: Only millions of Christians.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
and step into the night...
What can one do in the dark?
I suggest:
- A candle lit bubble bath
- Watching a scary movie <<< I will be doing this one.
- Snuggling
- Listening to an audio book. ( Even though I think Focus on the Family is crazy, they did put out a pretty awesome audio version of the Chronicles of Narnia, which I heartily recommend.)
- Going outside and having a bonfire with friends. <<<>Playing manhunt (no flashlights though!!)
Decisions, decisions...
Anyway, today's culinary thoughts have been centered around Easter. I have "class cupcakes" down to a few flavors for Easter, but I haven't picked one yet.
- carrot cake with cream cheese icing
- carrot cake with coconut-pecan cream cheese icing
- lemon cake with strawberry whipped cream
- vanilla cake with strawberry whipped cream
So difficult!!! I wish I could just make them all!
Some people have nothing and want nothing and are free.
Ignore the Grey's Anatomy motif...this is the best one I could find that allowed embedding. Bah!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Make yourself free, let yourself grow...
I have had gardening on the brain ever since the sun started working overtime again. I think peas, tomatoes, spinach, onions and carrots would be all be good candidates, since that is what we eat the most of and they are reported to be very easy to grow. I would love to grow my own strawberries too. I don't know how many people know this, but I know that strawberries are like sponges. When you wash them, they soak up all the water and the flavor gets diluted. To preserve their flavor, I wipe them individually with a damp cloth...but if I could grow them myself, then I could just eat them and not go through all the trouble. No chemicals or animal excrement (we don't live in a ground level apartment). Just strawberries as nature intended. mmmm....
Saturday, March 21, 2009
In the morning I woke up to this image, which I think accurately describes the consequences of such hedonistic levels of indulgence:
Mismatched socks, jeans (and you can't see it but still wearing his jacket!), my dear friend spent the night unable to make it to his home, which is within walking distance.
To stave off incredibly bad (and admittedly deserved) hangovers, we hosted a small after party (minus one member of our fellowship) by having blueberry banana pancakes for 1:30 pm.
We are staying in tonight with a quiet evening spent viewing Blue Velvet and eating popcorn. NO BOOZE!
**Just so I can feel better, I must say that this type of weekly craziness is unprecedented for me. **
Friday, March 20, 2009
Birds sing- a ding a ding
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy Alcoholic Consumption to the Point of Belligerence Day!

You need:
- 1- 8oz package of cream cheese softened
- 1 stick of unsalted butter softened
- 2 cups of powdered sugar
- 4 Tbsp Bailey's Irish Cream ** okay this is the part where I'm a jerk and fudge the recipe because I didn't actually measure this, but I think this is about what I used.
1. Using an electric mixer combine the cream cheese and butter.
2. Add the sugar in three installments by mixing on LOW!!!
3. Finally (yes, it's really as easy as 1-2-3) drizzle in Bailey's until desired flavor/consistency is achieved.
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Reader
Did you like it?
Anything you didn't like?
The beginning was slow. I never thought I would find gratuitous sex boring...but I did. (Was it gratuitous? Perhaps I'm just a Puritanical American...which I usually think is the case. I'm working on it, I promise.)
Anything you particularly liked?
WARDROBE, WARDROBE, WARDROBE!!! Also, there were scene's in Michael's law school seminar I found poignant as social commentary on Post-Holocaust West Germany, which is usually not mentioned in American history classes. I actually wished there were more "law school" scenes.
Would you recommend it to friends?
Yes. It's a solid view. All of the acting was fantastic, and the story was thought/discussion provoking (evidenced by discussions with my date/lover) while being palatable. You know how some movies are moving and thought provoking, but too much to be enjoyable to watch...yeah, that didn't happen here. The story of the characters is almost to simple...but if you watch it with some historical background it's good.
p.s. I'm really sad there are no photos of my favorite clothing in the movie. There is one female law student, and her clothes are FANTASTIC! If anyone finds some please share!!
Let's go see the stars!
I'm finally going to see The Reader tonight!!! I have been waiting since NOVEMBER!!!
Reaction post later!! (I am so excited, the only way to spell how I feel is: !!!!!!!!)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
To Do Today
- Bathe (You're welcome.)
- Purchase Newspaper
- Visit JoAnn's for some project supplies ( I can't wait to see the results of this little idea!!)
- Cafe >E-mail regarding Tuesday; Make grocery list for tomorrow; Clip coupons from said news paper.
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009
I just saw the Louis Vuitton Fall 2009 collection from Paris Fashion week, the whole thing is incredible! These however are my absolute favorites:

From head to toe- The Bardot hair, nude lip/liquid eyeliner, earings, handbag, the dresses (!!!!), the EVER LOVING SHOES!!!!!, I love it all. The whole feeling is just pure glamour. Not like what you would see where I'm living now. I swear, if I see one more Northface pullover...
see the entire collection here:
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Yesterday and Today
This would be a literal narration of my evening last night-
Today was definitely a day of recovery. A quiet evening at Bollo's should do the trick.

It's all about balance I suppose. Nights of forgotten debauchery followed by responsible evenings spent getting ahead on homework during spring break. Ah, to be young and intellectual.
Well, hello.
I love to make cake. My blog title is the open motto of my sorority, it is Latin for "life is short, art is long" and it is a quote of Hippocrates...which is weird because he's Greek. I just became an adult, like a month ago. Blah, my boyfriend is giving me the "we really need to stop being hungover bums and start our day" face. More later today. :)